Hand Demolition

About Our Specialty Hand Demolition Service

When you can't afford to risk any damage to the work site's surrounding area, a hand demolition might be the right choice for your property. Our team will take great care to get the job done safely and professionally. Get a free estimate today and leave your task in our hands.

Professionalism & Speed

Your goals are our goals. We know that your project needs to be done right and in a timely manner and we make it our priority to accomodate these needs.


Before starting our hand demolition, we make sure that we are aware of what's behind your walls, floor, etc. so that there will be no unintended consequences for your property.

Minimal Damage to Area

From the moment we begin to the moment the job is successful, we employ the utmost care and attention to detail.

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(888) 505-DEMO505-3366 (3366) (DEMO)

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